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The www.FedPrimeRate.com Personal Finance Blog and Magazine

Friday, July 05, 2024

My Former Web Host, LIQUIDWEB.com, Is Trying To Scam Me...

www.FedPrimeRate.com: My Former Web Host, LIQUIDWEB.com, Is Trying To Scam Me...
LIQUIDWEB.com is trying to scam me.  It has been more than two (2) years since I stopped hosting my websites with them.

And now they are trying to convince me that I owe them $169.60!  Here's the content of the email they sent me:

"...Re: Liquid Web LLC - Collections Notification - Total Amount Due as of 17 Jun 2024: $169.60


Despite our previous reminders, the above amount due remains unpaid and will be turned over for collections activity. As such, we would appreciate you making this payment as soon as possible.

As of this date, your charges for your Liquid Web account  [REDACTED] is $169.60. Liquid Web provided those services in good faith and has notified you through several methods that your payment was past due.

Under Section 3 of Liquid Web's Terms of Service, you agreed to make payment when due. Further, Liquid Web is entitled to recover all of its expenses, including attorneys' fees, in connection with collection of your obligations. In addition, interest continues to accrue on the unpaid balance at the rate of 1.5% per month.

To avoid additional cost and interest, please remit payment within ten (10) days of receipt of this letter in the amount of $169.60, by logging into your account with your username [REDACTED] at https://www.liquidweb.com/, or by forwarding a check to my attention at the address below, made payable to Liquid Web.

If you believe these charges are inaccurate or would like to work with us to make payment arrangements, please contact us by email at collections@liquidweb.com.

Very truly yours,

Kristie Bakkal
General Counsel

2703 Ena Drive,
Lansing, MI 48917

And I see that they've been at it for a long time.  Check out the many horror stories on YELP.com.

How on Earth do they stay in business??? Their customer service is 100% atrocious, and they charge way too much for web hosting.

They attempted to raise my monthly rate, at which point I decided to look around and see what other hosts were offering.

Hosting is a very easy business, so there are unnumbered hosts out there...So my search took me a while.

And where did I find the best deal I've ever seen?

It was right under my nose the entire time! Best pricing in the universe, according to my findings, turned out to be NameCheap.com*...And NameCheap is where I already had a few domain names registered!

Did I feel kinda' silly?  You betcha'!

Hosting companies rely on their customers not bothering to shop around for a better deal once they've setup an account.  It's a classic case of business inertia.  And I was 100% guilty of this.

So, in conclusion: Shame on you LIQUIDWEB! Shame, shame, SHAME!!!

NameCheap hosting is, by a long shot, MASSIVELY cheaper than
LIQUIDWEB...So shame, Shame SHAME on me too, for falling asleep at the web-hosting wheel!

NameCheap customer service is both first class AND available online 24/7/365, via live webchat.  Very recently, I had issues installing a new SSL certificate, and I was able to get live help and a quick solution in the middle of the night (EST USA.)

* = This is not a sponsored post.  I received neither discounts nor remuneration of any kind, for mentioning NameCheap.com in this blog entry.

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Friday, March 08, 2024

New Unemployment Insurance Claims for The Week of March 2, 2024

Jobless Claims
Jobless Claims

Earlier today, the Labor Department released its weekly report on New Jobless Insurance Claims for the week that ended on March 2, 2024:


Predicted: 215,000

  • Actual: 217,000

The yellow-highlighted figure represents the number of first-time claims for unemployment benefits for the entire United States. The "predicted" figure is what economists were expecting, while the "actual" is the true or real figure.

  • Previous Week (revised): 217,000
  • 4-Week Moving Average: 212,250


From Today's Report:

"...The advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate was 1.3% for the week ending February 24, unchanged from the previous week's unrevised rate. The advance number for seasonally adjusted insured unemployment during the week ending February 24 was 1,906,000, an increase of 8,000 from the previous week's revised level. The previous week's level was revised down by 7,000 from 1,905,000 to 1,898,000.

The 4-week moving average was 1,888,250, an increase of 10,250 from the previous week's revised average. This is the highest level for this average since December 11, 2021 when it was 1,888,250. The previous week's average was revised down by 1,750 from 1,879,750 to 1,878,000..."


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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Bad Spending Habits All Around Me...

MONEY: Bad Spending Habits All Around Me...
So I am back living in the house I grew up in; a big town just outside of New York City.

The house had been empty for years...Not because it's in a bad neighborhood.

Empty because the cost of maintaining this house is too high.

Old-world construction is very strong and sturdy, but the cost of heating + cooling this place is extreme.  It's the kind of house that OK during the cool months, but feels hotter than the outdoors during the summer, and colder than outside when the weather gets frosty.

And then there is the property tax.  Extremely onerous, and it never goes away.  And if the bill goes unpaid for a long time, as it has here, a lien can happen, then a tax sale...πŸ’°πŸ˜­πŸ’ΈπŸ˜­πŸ’Έ

Horizontal RULE

Student-loan debt is pure evil.  Many years ago, when I was really struggling, I defaulted, and "they" were able to access my bank account and take every penny I had.  It was less than $1,000, and they just took it without warning.  I wasn't able to pay my rent.  It was hell.

Losing control with credit-card debt? MUCH worse.  Did that when I was young and stupid, but eventually get my act together and paid it all down to $0

But credit-card debt is unsecured. A bank can't take your home away from you, no matter how much credit-card debt you have.  BIG difference.

So my cousin decided to move into this house and give living here a shot.  Made sense to her, because she landed a great nursing job in NYC.  Great pay, A+ benefits and all the overtime she wants. Only problem was that she lived in Massachusetts. This house solved that.

So now my cousin has two places that she calls home, in two different states.  She commutes back and forth a lot, but the 3-hour drive goes by fast, especially on weekends.

My mother (RIP) spent lots of money on repairs and renovation.  Other members of my extended family pitched-in too.  While empty, thieves and/or squatters did bad things.

There are young children here, but the house is big, and the walls are thick.  Noise is contained, and the kids have plenty of room play, without disturbing anyone. The situation here is cool and calm and drama-free, which is very, VERY important to me. After all I've been through over the past 22 years, I have no tolerance for ugly behavior of any kind. ZERO TOLERANCE!

This OLD House!

There is, however, a nagging concern here: my cousin and her husband are both shopaholic-spendaholics.  There is more footwear dumped all around this house than I have EVER seen in any home.  There must be at least 300 pairs of shoes...In every corner, and every room.  Moreover, there are more daily deliveries from Amazon than I used to see in the retail outlet I managed years ago.  Stacks of boxes, all shapes and sizes, and from all over the world, waiting outside,
every day. Crazy....πŸ˜±πŸ“¦πŸ₯΄πŸ“¦πŸ˜±πŸ“¦πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ“¦πŸ˜±

The mother of my child was REALLY GOOD at wasting money, and doing so in the most despicable way. Tantamount to just flushing it down the toilet.  So yeah: these things bother me...πŸ˜‘πŸ˜’πŸ˜πŸ«€

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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

www.FedPrimeRate.com: Emergency! Can I Borrow Your Phone SCAM

www.FedPrimeRate.com: Emergency! Can I Borrow Your Phone SCAM...

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www.FedPrimeRate.com: Banking SCAM ALERT, Part 1

 www.FedPrimeRate.com: Banking SCAM ALERT, Part 1

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Saturday, October 14, 2023

What Is Paysafecard and How Does it Work?

In an era where online transactions reign supreme, safeguarding your data is paramount. Paysafecard emerges as a secure haven, enabling you to shop and bet online without divulging sensitive personal information. Discover the world of Paysafecard in this concise guide.

Paysafecard: Your Gateway
to Secure Online Payments

Paysafecard – It’s the key to secure and hassle-free online payments. In the fast-paced digital landscape, where online transactions have become the norm, safeguarding personal data has never been more crucial. Enter Paysafecard – a reliable and confidential online payment method that focuses on user privacy. This comprehensive guide is your portal to understanding Paysafecard and answering the question, "What is Paysafecard?" Additionally, we will explore how Paysafecard operates, the advantages it brings, and its specialized application in secure betting.

At its essence, Paysafecard is a secure and user-friendly online payment solution. It functions through a prepaid voucher system, furnishing users with a 16-digit PIN code. This code serves as your virtual key, unlocking a world of online purchases and seamless checkouts across various platforms, from immersive online games to efficient mail-order retailers. Having originated in 2000, Paysafecard has rapidly evolved into one of Europe's most prevalent payment methods, extending its reach to over 50 countries.

What sets Paysafecard apart is its unwavering commitment to safeguarding user privacy. With Paysafecard, you can confidently execute transactions with enhanced security without divulging sensitive bank or credit card details. This dedication to anonymity and security has solidified Paysafecard's position as a trusted and favored choice for online payments.


What Is Paysafecard and How Does it Work?
What Is Paysafecard and
How Does it Work?

How to Get a Paysafecard?

Acquiring a Paysafecard is a hassle-free process. You can obtain these prepaid vouchers at numerous local outlets, which are conveniently scattered across more than 600,000 sales locations in 50 countries. This extensive network ensures that acquiring a Paysafecard is convenient at a neighborhood corner store or a bustling supermarket. Additionally, for those who prefer online convenience, Paysafecard offers the option to buy Paysafecard online.

Now, let's embark on the journey of setting up your Paysafecard accountβ€”a quick, straightforward process designed to enhance your online payment experience. Here's a comprehensive, step-by-step guide compiled from reputable sources to help you begin your journey:

  • Visit the Official Paysafecard Website

Navigate to the official Paysafecard website and locate the Registration Form by clicking the "Sign Up" button.

  • Choose Your Country

Begin by selecting your country of residence to tailor your Paysafecard experience accordingly.

  • Create Your Username and Password

Craft a unique username and a secure password for your account. You'll be prompted to enter your email address after setting your password. Ensure that your password comprises at least 8 characters, with a mix of lowercase and uppercase letters, and incorporates at least one special symbol for added security.

  • Verify Your Email Address

Access your email inbox and open the email from Paysafecard that has been dispatched to you. To proceed with the registration process, click the button contained within the email message.

  • Enter Personal Information and Address

Complete the registration process by furnishing your details and address as prompted.

  • Finish SMS Verification

Validate your phone number through SMS verification.

  • Access Your Paysafecard Dashboard

At this juncture, your new Paysafecard account is fully operational and ready for use. You can now purchase prepaid cards and PINs, manage your prepaid codes, keep tabs on your balance and transaction history, and pinpoint nearby Paysafecard locations for added convenience.

How Does Paysafecard
Work for Online Payments?

Paysafecard offers a unique and secure method for online payments. When you use Paysafecard for an online purchase, you select it as your payment option during checkout. You will then be prompted to enter the 16-digit PIN code from your voucher. This code acts as your virtual wallet, deducting the amount from your card balance and completing the transaction.

This process resembles using cash for online transactions, offering an additional layer of security and privacy. With Paysafecard, you can confidently pay online merchants, including gaming sites, social media platforms, and e-commerce websites. What sets Paysafecard apart is eliminating the need to share sensitive information like credit card numbers or bank details. This assurance of financial data security grants peace of mind to users who prioritize the confidentiality of their online financial transactions, especially when they choose to use Paysafecard for safe betting and other online activities. 

What Are the Benefits of Paysafecard?

The use of Paysafecard for online payments offers many benefits that set it apart from traditional payment methods such as debit cards, credit cards, or bank transfers. Whether you're concerned about security, privacy, or budget control, Paysafecard has you covered. Here are the key advantages of using Paysafecard for your online transactions:

  • Paysafecard Feels Like Using Cash
Paysafecard allows you to make online purchases just like you would with cash, without the need to enter sensitive financial information. It enhances security and privacy, making it an excellent option for those who prefer not to use traditional payment methods or have concerns about online data security.

  • No Need to Share Sensitive Data
With Paysafecard, you never have to share sensitive information online, mitigating the risks associated with data breaches and online fraud. This payment method ensures that your personal and financial details remain confidential.

  • Budget Control
Paysafecard offers budget-conscious consumers a practical solution. You only spend what you load onto your prepaid card, eliminating hidden fees and unexpected charges. Plus, you can easily manage your transactions and balance online, helping you stay on top of your spending.

  • Widespread Availability
Paysafecard's convenience extends to its widespread availability. With over 600,000 sales outlets in 50 countries, including the United States (Paysafecard USA), obtaining a Paysafecard is easy and accessible. Whether at a local store, supermarket, or another retail location, you can quickly purchase a Paysafecard and use it for online payments.

  • Use Across Numerous Online Shops
With the growing popularity of online shopping, Paysafecard offers a secure and anonymous payment method in hundreds of thousands of online shops. You can shop online without worrying about the security of your information, as you never have to enter personal or financial data.

Is It Possible to Use a Paysafecard for Betting?

Paysafecard is a viable option for individuals wishing to engage in online betting while prioritizing security and privacy. Many online betting sites accept Paysafecard as a payment method, allowing users to fund their betting accounts easily. For secure betting with Paysafecard, follow these steps as compiled from reliable sources:

  • Choose a Betting Site
Start your online betting experience by picking a trusted platform from the array of Paysafecard betting sites available. Ensure the site is licensed and regulated to guarantee a secure betting experience.

  • Purchase a Paysafecard
If you don't already have a Paysafecard, visit a local sales outlet to buy one. You can choose the denomination that suits your betting budget.

  • Deposit Funds
After registering on the betting site, navigate to the deposit or cashier section. Select Paysafecard as your preferred payment method and enter the 16-digit PIN code from your voucher.

  • Confirm the Transaction

Review the transaction details to ensure accuracy and confirm the deposit. Your funds will be instantly credited to your betting account, allowing you to start placing bets.


Using Paysafecard for betting offers several advantages. It lets you control your betting budget effectively, as you can load a specific amount onto your card. Additionally, you won't need to disclose your bank or credit card details to the betting site, enhancing your online security.

Alternatives to Paysafecard

While Paysafecard is an excellent option for secure online payments and safe betting, it's essential to be aware of alternatives, as different payment methods may suit varying preferences and needs. Some popular alternatives to Paysafecard include:

  • PayPal
PayPal is a widely used digital wallet that allows you to link your bank account or credit card securely. It offers a high level of convenience and is accepted by numerous online merchants and betting sites.

  • Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin provide a decentralized and highly secure online payment method. They offer anonymity and are increasingly accepted by online betting platforms.

  • Prepaid Debit Cards
Prepaid debit cards, such as Visa or Mastercard prepaid cards, function similarly to Paysafecard but may offer broader acceptance. You can load them with a specific amount for online payments and betting.

  • E-wallets
E-wallets like Skrill and Neteller offer secure and convenient payment solutions for online transactions, including betting. They allow you to store funds and make payments without sharing sensitive financial information.

Paysafecard: Pay Cash, Pay Safe.
Paysafecard: Pay Cash, Pay Safe.

Wrapping Up

Paysafecard is a reliable and secure online payment method, offering users anonymity and peace of mind. Whether shopping online or engaging in safe betting, Paysafecard provides a convenient and privacy-focused payment option. Nonetheless, it's crucial to consider alternative payment methods that suit your evolving digital payment needs and personal preferences. Stay informed and choose the option that aligns best with your requirements in the dynamic world of online transactions.

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Friday, October 13, 2023

New COVID-19 BinaxNOW (Abbott) Rapid Antigen Test Done Today: NEGATIVE

New COVID-19 BinaxNOW (Abbott) Rapid Antigen Test Done Today: NEGATIVE
New (and FREE) COVID test kits arrived today, right on time.

I am home all day, on my computers.  No commute for me.  So the lack of contact with complete strangers keeps me quite safe.

However, I do live with folks who are out all day, and in contact with many.  So there is some exposure risk for me.

Moreover, I just got news that the owner of the house I live in has tested positive for COVID-19.  She got it before, and now has it AGAIN.

She works as a home-health aide. Our face-to-face encounters are extremely rare.  She pretty much lives where she works. 

But, to err on the safe side of things, I am back to being a total hygiene Nazi.  Spraying surfaces, door knobs, chairs, etc. with Lysol and/or 91% isopropyl alcohol.

The last time I did a COVID self test was February 28, 2022, 591 Days ago (and tested negative.)


Some interesting notes in the accompanying information pamphlet:

  • "...This test is not yet approved or cleared by the United States FDA..."

  • "...If you don't have symptoms, a second test should be taken at least 24 hours (and no more than 48 hours) between tests..."


91% isopropyl alcohol.

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