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The www.FedPrimeRate.com Personal Finance Blog and Magazine

Friday, July 05, 2024

My Former Web Host, LIQUIDWEB.com, Is Trying To Scam Me...

www.FedPrimeRate.com: My Former Web Host, LIQUIDWEB.com, Is Trying To Scam Me...
LIQUIDWEB.com is trying to scam me.  It has been more than two (2) years since I stopped hosting my websites with them.

And now they are trying to convince me that I owe them $169.60!  Here's the content of the email they sent me:

"...Re: Liquid Web LLC - Collections Notification - Total Amount Due as of 17 Jun 2024: $169.60


Despite our previous reminders, the above amount due remains unpaid and will be turned over for collections activity. As such, we would appreciate you making this payment as soon as possible.

As of this date, your charges for your Liquid Web account  [REDACTED] is $169.60. Liquid Web provided those services in good faith and has notified you through several methods that your payment was past due.

Under Section 3 of Liquid Web's Terms of Service, you agreed to make payment when due. Further, Liquid Web is entitled to recover all of its expenses, including attorneys' fees, in connection with collection of your obligations. In addition, interest continues to accrue on the unpaid balance at the rate of 1.5% per month.

To avoid additional cost and interest, please remit payment within ten (10) days of receipt of this letter in the amount of $169.60, by logging into your account with your username [REDACTED] at https://www.liquidweb.com/, or by forwarding a check to my attention at the address below, made payable to Liquid Web.

If you believe these charges are inaccurate or would like to work with us to make payment arrangements, please contact us by email at collections@liquidweb.com.

Very truly yours,

Kristie Bakkal
General Counsel

2703 Ena Drive,
Lansing, MI 48917

And I see that they've been at it for a long time.  Check out the many horror stories on YELP.com.

How on Earth do they stay in business??? Their customer service is 100% atrocious, and they charge way too much for web hosting.

They attempted to raise my monthly rate, at which point I decided to look around and see what other hosts were offering.

Hosting is a very easy business, so there are unnumbered hosts out there...So my search took me a while.

And where did I find the best deal I've ever seen?

It was right under my nose the entire time! Best pricing in the universe, according to my findings, turned out to be NameCheap.com*...And NameCheap is where I already had a few domain names registered!

Did I feel kinda' silly?  You betcha'!

Hosting companies rely on their customers not bothering to shop around for a better deal once they've setup an account.  It's a classic case of business inertia.  And I was 100% guilty of this.

So, in conclusion: Shame on you LIQUIDWEB! Shame, shame, SHAME!!!

NameCheap hosting is, by a long shot, MASSIVELY cheaper than
LIQUIDWEB...So shame, Shame SHAME on me too, for falling asleep at the web-hosting wheel!

NameCheap customer service is both first class AND available online 24/7/365, via live webchat.  Very recently, I had issues installing a new SSL certificate, and I was able to get live help and a quick solution in the middle of the night (EST USA.)

* = This is not a sponsored post.  I received neither discounts nor remuneration of any kind, for mentioning NameCheap.com in this blog entry.

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Friday, June 08, 2018

Living in Yellow: A Fashion Blogging / Internet Entrepreneur Success Story

Bright Ideas: Living In Yellow; a fashion blogging / Internet entrepreneur success story, produced by the excellent folks at Nightly Business Report:


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