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The www.FedPrimeRate.com Personal Finance Blog and Magazine

Thursday, October 26, 2017

401(K) Problem: Americans Aren't Saving Enough for Retirement

American's 401(K) Problem; segment by the good folks at Nightly Business Report:

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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Treasury Department's Retirement Savings Plan -- myRA -- Opens for Business Today

Treasury Department myRA
Treasury Department myRA
Today, the Treasury Department launched the Obama administration's solution to the problem of complicated and onerous retirement savings accounts: myRA.gov.  A very good retirement-savings option, especially for those who don't have access to a retirement saving plan at their place of work.

Benefits include:

  • It's safe; it's a Roth IRA which utilizes a new U.S. Treasury retirement savings bond.
  • It's affordable; zero fees / costs.
  • It's simple; no bewildering array of investment options.

: If you are already taking advantage of a 401(k) plan at your job, you'll probably want to stick with it, especially if your employer is augmenting it with matching contributions.

For a little more, click here for a clip from today's Nightly Business Report on +PBS.



It is with much disappointment that we report that the myRA program is no longer accepting deposits, as of December 4, 2017.  For more on this, please click here.

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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Have Fun While Paying Down Debt and Save Money

Need some extra motivation to save money and pay down your debt?  SaveUp.com may be the site for you.

SavdeUp.com gives its members the opportunity to win cash and prizes for doing the right thing with your money, i.e. paying down all types of debt (credit card, mortgage, auto, etc.) and increasing your savings. 

The site is completely free; it makes money by collecting fees from partners.

How it works: you connect your accounts to SaveUp via a secure process.  Then, as you save money and pay down debt, you earn credits.  These credits can then be used to participate in the site's rewards program, i.e.

Here's a sampling of prizes won at SaveUp.com:

  • A credit card payment
  • A mortgage payment
  • An Apple iPad 2
  • A gift card to Chipotle, Starbucks,Banana Republic, Best Buy, Target, T.J. Maxx, NFLShop.com, Southwest Airlines, Amazon.com, Wal-mart, Etsy, Costco, etc.
  • 1 Year of Netflix
  • Cash towards an IRA or Roth IRA
  • Financial Planning Consultation.
  • Ninja Pro blender
  • An oil change
  • An energy bill payment
  • Valentine's Day fund prize
  • Cash towards a travel fund
  • Holiday savings prize
  • Cash (my favorite!)

Have I tried SaveUp.com?  No.

I'm very paranoid about sharing my banking details with any site, even with all the state-of-the-art security features sites like SaveUp have in place.

In the news, I'm constantly hearing and reading stories of sites getting hacked, and huge batches of credit card numbers getting stolen (example.) 

Back in 2011, my Facebook account was hacked.  My Google account was compromised soon after.  Needless to say, I don't use Facebook anymore (I'm perfectly happy sticking with Google Plus.)

So, if you're comfortable sharing your sensitive details with SaveUP,  give the site a try, and let us know what you think in the comments section below.

If you like SaveUp.com, you may also like PayOff.com.

Comments are always welcome.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What A Little Effort Can Do For Debt Reduction

There are many, many things I love about my life here in the beautiful mesas of the Chihuahuan Desert. Among those are the contrasts, the juxtapositioning of old and new ways of living.

While I make use of the remarkable technologies of today as I write this now, I spent some time this morning as the indigenous women of this region did for thousands of years -- making tortillas. And, while I was working, I was thinking about a couple things related to cooking at home -- far less expensive and far more healthy overall.

I could buy tortillas. They run about a dollar a
dozen. In the photos (always clickable for a larger view), I am mixing up a batch of about 40 for less than a dollar... and, if I do say so myself, my home-made, fresh tortillas are far better than those mass produced in the factory and bagged up. Everyone here has said so, too.

In the big pot next to my wanna-be comal -- I have no proper comal for tortilla making, so I make do with a well-seasoned iron skillet -- are about 5 pounds of pinto beans. I'm feeding 9
people with hearty appetites. I'll be smashing and
frying a good portion of those beans with some
spices for tacos tonight, which is why I made
tortillas this morning. The rest of the beans will be used tomorrow by my sister to make her awesome chili.

The dried beans are pretty inexpensive, about 2 dollars for 4 pounds. Canned beans are easily double and often triple the price. It seems kind of silly to pay that when cooking dry beans is so easy. If I wanted to, I could buy canned refried beans for my tacos, though that would also be much more expensive, and I'd still have to add spices to make them palatable. Furthermore, they'd be less nutritious from the can, and probably have MSG and be high in sodium.

My point, over all, is that many people spend a lot of money on prepared foods, convenience foods, and drive-through foods, when by investing a little effort they could save a considerable amount on their food bill by cooking at home. Furthermore, most of those quick foods are price heavy and nutrition light. The benefits of eating fresh, whole foods are innumerable, but if we stick to the financial aspect for a moment, improved health leads to less money spent on costly health care.

There are many things in day-to-day life that are similar. For those looking to reduce debt and decrease spending (leaving more money for saving or more time for something other than working to pay the bills), learning to do basic repair tasks around the home and on the auto really isn't all that difficult. Being less dependent on others to meet your needs is a very good thing, particularly in today's economic climate.

I've been following the recent news about food shortages, skyrocketing prices, and the rationing of some food items throughout the world with a blend of fascination and horror. This is exactly the scenario that inspired me to remove my family from the city. I, geek that I am, have strange hobbies. Global economics is one of those hobbies and I've been watching trends for a few years now. To me, as well as to many financial experts, it looks like times are sure to be fiscally challenging in the near future and for a significant period of time thereafter. The financial markets are going to have to go through their spasms of correction and we're all going to have to go along for the ride.

During the Great Depression, while those in rural areas did experience severe poverty, they did have a significant advantage over those living in urban areas -- the ability to grow and hunt for their food. During World War II, the Victory Garden was an important supplement to households throughout the nation, including urban neighborhoods, as common, daily-use foods were rationed by the government. Looking at our situation today, it seems that learning to develop a bit of food self-sufficiency -- whether by cooking more, creating urban patio or fire escape gardens in containers, or larger suburban or rural gardens --is not just good economics in terms of a debt reduction plan or strategy for reducing overall expenses, but also simply good old-fashioned common sense.

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Out Of The Blue...

We've had the equipment for weeks. What we didn't have was an installer. The company couldn't seem to locate one willing to come to our remote high desert location. Naturally, they made no mention of that potential difficulty when they took the order.

So, we held the equipment through installation cancellation after installation cancellation. We just had our appointment for April 30th recently canceled, as the closest installer had to drive 800 miles and had yet to schedule other installs in the area.

And, then, out of the blue, this past Saturday, installers arrived with no notice. After, of course, I'd contacted another satellite company because this one couldn't seem to get the job done. Naturally, their website is just as good as their customer service and I cannot get into my account and will have to go somewhere to call them, as there is no way to e-mail their support system. That doesn't surprise me, ha ha ha.

All that, though, seems fairly small in comparison to this great leap forward for us here in the desert. I can now work from home again. The past few weeks of me having to go out to work have been very stressful for the children. I've always been at home with them. With everybody -- my sister and my brother -- having daily access to the Internet, everybody can get back to work and we can start moving forward with a variety of essential projects, like solar panels to run the modem so we don't have to use the gas powered generator as much.

With all that is in the news today -- food shortages and rapidly increasing prices, oil prices skyrocketing, the dollar continuing its fall, an epidemic of struggling mortgagees, a tidal wave of foreclosures, and the potentials that lie underneath the staggering burden of consumer debt -- our efforts towards sustainability and self-sufficiency seem quite timely and more important than ever.

The path for some of our nation's banking and lending institutions seems inevitably to lead to failure. Already sustaining significant losses from the sub-prime mortgage and lending debacle, many of these institutions are now having to deal with consumer debt gone bad. Economically stressed consumers have been missing payments as they struggle to make their salaries extend to cover the most basic of needs as the costs of those needs move steadily upwards.

That oft repeated Chinese curse -- not the one referring to flooding the market with cheap consumer goods, but the one that says may you live in interesting times -- appears to be an apt description of our current situation. Very interesting times, indeed. To me, everything going on today indicates an imperative need for preparation -- reduce debt, increase savings, and stock the shelves.

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Monday, April 21, 2008

It's A Long Road...

Now that we have this 46 acres of land, it's a long road to getting everything set up and running smooth. There is so much to do, from devising and setting up alternative energy systems to making adobe bricks to dealing with the utility companies that we do plan to do business with.

The dirt road you see -- that's the road we live on. We see another vehicle go by once every two or three weeks. When we came here, it was a nameless and dusty easement used by various property owners in the area to access their land.

That nameless dirt road is a good part of why I have set up a temporary office in my neighbor's home-in-progress. In order to get telephone and Internet service, mail, UPS deliveries, and just about anything else, we had to get our dirt road a name. On the surface it was a simple process, but in reality, it was long and slow. After weeks of waiting, it was through the intervention of a local that we finally were able to get a name and number. However, that is just the start of the effort to get phone and Internet (the only utilities we are going to get out here, as we're going with alternative energy sources for electricity).

There is a waiting list for everything. We recently learned that we won't have a landline -- thus no DSL -- until much longer than the 3 MONTH waiting period we were initially informed of. August 28 is now said to be the big day. And, although the satellite company sent our equipment a long time ago, we still don't have an install date. Never mind that they told us two weeks....

So, it looks like I'll be toting my computer stuff and generator over to my neighbor's to work for quite a while... Fortunately, it's so beautiful here in the high desert lands on the border -- I walk out of my currently humble abode and see clearly into our neighboring nation -- that these delays and hassles feel like small details in the grand scheme of things.

While things seem to move slowly in my part of the world, that doesn't seem to be the case in the rest of the world. Now that the psychological barrier of the $100 mark has been breached, the price of oil has been shooting up even faster. Last Friday, according to MarketWatch.com, the price per barrel touched $117. Food prices have also been moving up, some quicker than others. Rice has gone up astonishingly on the world market, causing major exporters to ban exports, as they fear that they will not be able to feed their own citizens. Some nations have even started to ban the export of wheat. News headlines from all over the world are full of the food crisis and riots in areas where rising prices are leaving the poor hungry.

Looking at all that is going on -- how quickly things are seeming to deteriorate in the global economy, the biggest names in the financial industries teetering on the brink of fiscal disaster, the rising cost of living -- it seems to me that this point in time is one in which all of us should be thinking seriously about debt reduction. The less debt we carry into the uncertain economic times that seem fairly sure to be a part of our future for a while to come the better.

And, on that note, I read a really interesting article on the Motley Fool the other day. It described how 0 percent balance transfer credit card offers can -- with discipline and commitment to a goal of debt reduction -- be a valuable tool in getting control of and eliminating credit card debt.

Many people use such offers unwisely and end up with a much greater debt burden or simply move debt around without ever really dealing with it. However, the smart consumer can really make out with such offers, using them as a means to really knock down the principal of their debt. Things out there in the economic world don't look like they are going to get better any time soon, making now a great time to act to reduce your debt. A glance to the left offers some great resources for 0 percent balance transfer credit card offers. Apply today and you may soon be able to put this debt reduction tool to work for you.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Will You Walk The Road Alone?

The road to financial freedom is a lonely road, and sometimes it's a road one has to walk alone.

Our family grew significantly last year with the arrival of twins, so my husband and I knew that we could no longer evade the inevitable: we were going to have to get a minivan. With three small children and a dog, we could no longer afford the luxury of our mid-sized SUV; we needed more space, and we needed it ASAP. Many young couples like ourselves would have used such a family expansion as an excuse to take on more debt, rushing to get a brand new minivan in the name of necessity. We, however, are on the road to debt freedom, so financing a new vehicle was out of the question.

My husband found a very nice used minivan at a local dealership that he felt was reasonably priced and possibly worth more than what the dealer was asking. The only drawback was that it cost more than what we had in our savings. In order to get what we wanted, we would have to save very aggressively in addition to paying all of our current bills! Needless to say, it wasn't much fun at all.

There was no take-out, no movie night, and no clothes shopping for a while. Delicious wheat bread was replaced with not-so-appealing white. Some of our friends even thought that we had come upon hard times. We weren't paupers, we just conserved in every way possible, and those who are still in a debt-controlled lifestyle just didn't understand. However, when we had finished suffering for a little while, we were able to get what we needed without owing a dime. The van is gorgeous, and those who scoffed at our penny pinching have all since bitten their tongues. The best feeling, however, was not the feeling that we had received the fruits of our labor or even that we had done what others would not or could not do.

The best feeling was the freedom of knowing that we owned it - ownership is the strength that keeps us on this lonely road.

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