Tips On Becoming A Legal Resident of The United States

Without a doubt, America is struggling to return to sustainable economic growth. Yet, even with weaknesses in numerous sectors of the American economy, people from other nations still want to enter the United States and enjoy America’s freedoms and opportunities. Unfortunately, too many immigrants choose to enter and remain in the United States illegally, which often leads to living in fear, incarceration and deportation.
The following are some tips for those who entered the United States legally, but who are not sure about what it takes to become legal permanent residents:
- Hire A Really Good Lawyer: Don’t settle for a mediocre immigration attorney. Find the best, and follow that lawyers instructions to the letter. If you think you’ve found a great immigration attorney, use your favorite search engine to research that lawyers background and experience. Look for credentials like Vice President of the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. More often than not, quality attorneys are very busy and their fees are generally higher than lawyers who lack experience and professional credentials. The wait and the added expense, however, are most often worth it.
- Don’t Commit Any Crimes: This may seem like obvious advice but it’s extremely important to stay out of trouble with the law. What may seem like a minor misdemeanor to you could be seen as just cause for deportation by a judge.
- Don’t Purchase of Create Fake Documentation: This is probably the worst thing you can do. If you purchase a fake green card, or manufacture one yourself, it’s likely that you will eventually get caught and will at the very least spend time in jail. At worst, you’ll get deported.
- Pay Your Taxes: All honest Americans pay their taxes. If you want to be a part of American society, do as honest and honorable Americans do, and that includes doing your part to help pay for roads, schools and national defense. If you find yourself in a situation where you have to defend your presence in this country, you may find that the authorities will want to know if you’ve been prompt and consistent about paying your taxes.
- Participate Positively In Your Community: Donating your time to a worthy cause will look good to any judge, so volunteering is definitely something you should consider doing if you want to present yourself in the best possible light. You don’t have to give up a huge block of your free time on a regular basis. Volunteering just a few hours a week at a hospital or religious institution can help to convince a judge or other decision maker that having you as a permanent resident of the United States would benefit both you and the country.
- Stay Employed: Even if you hate your job, don’t quit until you’ve got a new one lined up. Being unemployed will hurt your chances of becoming a permanent resident considerably, as no country wants to import people who will sap resources unduly from the state as opposed to being a productive, taxpaying member of society.
- The Anchor Baby Trick Is The Worst Crime of All: Don’t get it into your head that getting pregnant and giving birth to an “anchor baby” is a good idea. Just because your child is an American citizen, doesn’t mean a judge won’t deport you. It’s very well known that certain unprincipled, female illegal immigrants get themselves pregnant at any cost in order to have an American citizen baby. Certain judges used to let such mothers stay in the country, even when the mother in question has committed serious crimes. However, the anchor baby trick is moribund, if not dead already.
Labels: document_fraud, homeland_security, ice, illegal_alien, ins
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